►We own and manage holiday rentals in Perth. We very happy to have found the products offered by Aircon Off. Not much worry with users leaving the air-conditioning on or if they have temperatures well above or below optimum. Certainly helps with the bills. The service is excellent and the response always prompt. We are recommending the products to every new homeowner and friends alike.
Shirley and Douglas - Istana Alfred Cove
►We would like to take this opportunity to inform you that last summer we installed Aircon Off at our holiday home, Nirvana at Montville. We are delighted with the product and have actually already saved hundreds of dollars in reduced electricity bills. We would highly recommend that all holiday homes, B&Bs etc should install Aircon Off and prevent wasteful use of power hungry air conditioners. Aircon Off DOES work and is virtually maintenance free. Please feel free to use this email: and your clients are welcome to contact us for additional reassurance or clarifications.
Thank you for offering such a wonderful product.
Rekha & Shekhar Sharma - Nirvana at Montville
►We recently installed Aircon Off in the main living area of our apartments and also utilise their Smart Remote. Our quarterly power bills have reduced from $1200 to $850 since this installation. We are very happy with the savings and highly recommend these products.
Shaun - Itara Riverway Apartments
Shaun - Itara Riverway Apartments
►Easy to programme and install; since fitting Aircon Off in all of our holiday apartments at Beachfront Apartments On Trinity Beach we have been very pleased with its efficiency to do everything that its product promises and especially with the substantial electricity savings we now enjoy from its investment.
Julie & Eddie Harrop - Managers & Hosts Beachfront Apartments on Trinity Beach.
We recently installed Aircon Off in the main living area of our apartments and also utilise their Smart Remote. Our quarterly power bills have reduced from $1200 to $850 since this installation. We are very happy with the savings and highly recommend these products - See more at: http://airconoff.com.au/testimonials/#sthash.oxA8H3vx.dpuf
►At Somerset College, we have worked hard to create a strong eco/green/sustainability ethic and we have previously undertaken many measures to save unnecessary power usage where we can, however we did still have a serious issue with air conditioning being left on in empty rooms. It is a reality that teachers, students and non-teaching staff unwittingly forget to turn air conditioning off when they leave a room. With around 18 hours between the end of a college day and the start of the next, as well as other periods in the day and weekends too, this was obviously wasting a significant amount of money. As air conditioning makes up a substantial proportion of our overall power costs and with power prices increasing steadily, this was such a large and obvious waste that we were keen to reduce if possible. Until we were introduced to Aircon Off there was no solution available. Installing Aircon Off, as well as utilising their Smart Remotes, has resolved this issue for us. By automatically turning off the air conditioning in rooms left empty, the units started saving us money from the day they were installed. The product fits well with our message of responsible consumption and sets a good example for staff and students alike. Everyone understands that the money saved can be used for other purposes. With all schools being in a similar situation to ourselves, I would thoroughly recommend this product to all of them. It is a fantastic solution for anyone who wishes to minimise their air conditioning power use and save money on associated running costs.
David Thornton – Business Manager Somerset College